HE PURPOSE OF Black Star, according to photojournalism
mentor Howard Chapnick, "is not to scoop the wire service
or staff photographer, but to fill the gap with the kind of
in depth coverage that press and business do not always have
time, men or other resources for."
IN THE EARLY DAYS we were filling that gap on our home
turf - New York City. Photographers like John Hugelmeyer took
hundreds of photos documenting city life, from shopping to
transportation to homeless shelters. |
THE FIRST TIME, photographers were breaking the shell
of candy-coated sweetness, and seeking out the hard-boiled drama of real life.
WHILE STILL TAME compared to images we see nowadays,
this series of photographs documenting the recruitment and
training of the NYPD blue hints at the direction in which
photojournalism would soon grow. |