BLACK STAR PHOTOGRAPHERS have more than just intuition.
They have keen sense and timing. Robert Nichols was flying
en route between two Hawaiian islands when a gaping hole suddenly
blew open in the plane's fuselage. |
THE CREW BRACED FOR IMPACT as the aircraft skidded
down on the nearest island. Nichols was one of the first passengers to be evacuated.
AS HE STOOD ON THE RUNWAY, he thought to do something
the others overlooked: snap a picture of the amazing scene.
Black Star distributed the exclusive photo to our network
of newspaper and magazine contacts around the world, and filed
it in our archive for future requests.
POWERFUL PICTURES LIVE FOREVER through reprints, and Nichols
now lives on his accumulated earnings from that single snapshot.
If you are interested in becoming part of our network of photographers,
fax us at . |